B.S. - Architectural Engineering - The University of Texas at Austin - 1997
• New construction
• Five-story computer science classrooms with basement housing 300 graduate students and 70 faculty members with its own separate power generator system.
• The building featured a 2,900 square feet high performance visualization laboratory and 200-seat amphitheater.
• Structural systems were concrete wide pan-joist, steel canopy framing, concrete basement walls, and cast-in-place concrete grade beams and piers. Lateral systems were concrete moment frames.
• New construction
• Four-story underground parking structure with 600 spaces.
• Three-story 65,000 square feet of executive education and conference center featuring 7 large tiered classrooms, a 300-seat amphitheater, 3 dining areas, and a 21,000 square foot conference-ballroom with 12 break-out rooms, and 10,000 square foot executive office space.
• Structural systems were cast-in-place post-tensioned concrete beams, one-way concrete slab, two-way concrete slab, steel roof joist, steel beams, wood roof beams, long span exposed custom wood roof trusses and cast-in-place concrete grade beams and piers. Lateral systems were concrete moment frames.
• Six-story hotel with 300 rooms.
• Project size: 335,000 square feet (excluding parking garage) 520,000SF gross.
• New construction
• Multi story building that featured a 100 foot tall steeple structure and long span custom floor and roof trusses.
• Structural systems were composite steel floor, steel roof joist, steel trusses and cast-in-place concrete grade beams and piers. Lateral systems were braced frames and moment frames.
• New construction
• Two-story fine arts facility.
• The building featured a 900 seat recital hall, a 50-seat theater, art exhibit space, 2 large class rooms, 4 small seminar rooms, 13 studios and faculty offices.
• Structural systems were concrete wide pan-joist, steel roof beams, steel roof trusses, steel roof joist, and cast-in-place concrete grade beams and piers. Lateral systems were concrete shear walls and concrete moment frames.
• 9th through 12th grade phased replacement high school.
• Structural systems were load-bearing masonry, composite steel floor, steel roof joist, steel trusses and cast-in-place concrete slab over void form, grade beams and piers. Lateral systems were masonry shear walls, braced frames, and moment frames.
New 70-foot-tall structural steel press box built and concession builds constructed in tandem with pre-engineered stadium addition
Two new restrooms buildings and a concession building underneath the new stadium bleachers.
New ticket booth.
Structural systems were load-bearing masonry, composite steel floor, steel roof joist, and cast-in-place concrete slab over void form, grade beams and piers. Lateral systems were masonry shear walls, braced frames, and moment frames.
• New construction two-story elementary school for Burleson ISD
• Structural systems were load bearing insulated concrete formed wall system, composite steel floor, steel roof joist, exposed heavy timber and cast-in-place concrete slab over void form, grade beams and piers. Lateral systems were load bearing insulated concrete formed shear walls, braced frames, and moment frames.