TSA was contacted by a client that was concerned about thier cold storage warehouse. The frozen food rooms were experienceing frozen floors due to a failed floor warming system. They had a few concerns including a previous partial structural collapse, and they thought the movement might be getting worse.
TSA performed a structural condition asessment, including a visual condition survey of the warehouse structure, and an elevation survey to provide a baseline to judge whether movement was ongoing. We also designed repairs for a dock-high retaining wall that had broken free from the floor slab and was experiencing an outward deflection.
TSA recommended that the Owner engage a geotechnical engineer to perform a subsurface investigation to determine the depth of the frozen soils, and the potential for future movement. The investigation showed that the frozen soils were quite deep and that ice lenses were forming in an unusual pattern that was causing unexpected stresses. Based on the findings from the structural investigation and the geotechnical investigation, we provided recommendations to the Owner to mitigate future damage.
TSA performed construction administration for the work and assisted the Owner in assuring the work was being done properly.